A welcome message from the Headteacher - Mrs Sarah Wright
It is my pleasure and privilege to welcome you to Ickleford Primary School. We are a single form entry Church of England Voluntary Controlled school from Reception up to Year 6 at the heart of the village of Ickleford, Hitchin. Our school is small enough for us to know each child individually, yet large enough to have a wealth of experienced staff who deliver an engaging, broad and challenging curriculum alongside a wide range of extra-curricular experiences.
Please take your time to view our website and discover the high quality provision and exciting opportunities we offer the children in our care. We hope you will get the feeling of the wonderful and nurturing environment we provide and trust that you find this information informative and useful.
Our Vision Statement gives you a clear indication of what your child can expect from Ickleford Primary School:
We aspire to build a happy and inclusive community underpinned by core Christian values and those shared by other faiths. This will enable us to nurture resilient pupils with a passion for life-long learning, ensuring everyone’s potential is fulfilled.
This vision was successfully recognised in our recent Ofsted Inspection, May 2022:
‘Pupils are proud to attend Ickleford Primary School. They love coming to school and thrive in the caring and nurturing environment. Adults want pupils to be happy and feel safe, and this is certainly the case. The playground is full of smiles, happiness and friendship.’
Our dedicated and highly skilled teaching staff, who have ‘high expectations’ of the children in their care, provide them with the challenge, opportunities and support for our children to flourish. They continually work hard to ensure our ‘children’s behaviour is exemplary’ and they develop a positive attitude to learning, setting firm foundations upon which ‘they grow and leave the school as confident and compassionate young people’.
We are not just concerned with nurturing a child’s academic potential. We place great importance on a child’s safety, mental health and wellbeing, and to ensure this, we strive to work in partnership with parents for the benefit of the whole child, building resilience and independence.
At the heart of our ethos is the importance of family. We place great value on our close relationships with parents and carers. This ensures that it is a partnership where parents, carers and staff are all fully informed and engaged in their children’s learning. This can only be achieved through openness and transparency in both directions.
As a C.of E, V.C. School, we instill values of love, justice, forgiveness, compassion and honesty: fostering individuals who can contribute to and thrive in a modern world. These ideas are explored in daily acts of collective worship and in classroom activities. We enjoy close links with our parish church, St Katharine’s, and we walk to the Church at key points in the year to share services, such as Harvest, Christmas, Easter and our leaver’s service.
We consider our school to be a team that includes children, parents, staff, governors, the Church and the local community. We hope you will consider joining that team. Starting school is an exciting and important time for every child and we want it to be a happy and successful experience for all. Choosing the right school for your child is a difficult decision for every parent but our website is designed to give you an insight into our school.
Thank you for considering the education of your child at Ickleford Primary School.
Yours Faithfully,
Sarah Wright,