Pupil Premium
Since 2011, the Pupil Premium has provided extra funding to school aged children who are eligible for Free School Meals. This money allows schools to make extra provisions such as additional members of classroom staff, a greater variety of resources or small group learning sessions for children. The aim of this is to close the gap between disadvantaged young people and their more affluent peers.
The Pupil Premium is a government initiative and more information can be found here: Pupil Premium
Likely barriers are:
- Limited development and understanding of a wide range of vocabulary
- Attendance for disadvantaged children is below national average
- Limited engagement with / access to curriculum enriching experiences
- Reduced access to curriculum resources
- Concerns about emotional wellbeing
- Variable engagement with learning opportunities
Measuring the Effect of Pupil Premium
At Ickleford Primary School, the impact of pupil premium is monitored every half term through teacher assessment and termly through data analysis and provision mapping meetings between class teachers and the SLT. This data is collated annually to inform our school’s next strategic steps.
Ickleford Primary School Pupil Premium Strategy 2022/23
Ickleford Primary School Pupil Premium Strategy 2021/22
Date of next review
December 2023
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Catch Up Premium
Ickleford Primary School Covid 19 Catch-up Premium Report
Our overarching strategy is to reduce the impact of lost learning time during lockdown through carefully planned teaching sessions and to ensure that the gap begins to diminish. Pupils identified by class teachers as requiring support will receive 1:1 or group quality first teaching bespoke to their needs.
The core approach we are implementing is:
- Bespoke 1-1 and small group tuition in the summer term for those children who, despite quality first teaching, are still falling behind delivered by an additional fully qualified teacher and highly skilled classroom support staff.
The overall aims of our catch-up premium strategy are:
- To begin to reduce any attainment gap that has resulted in the effects of home learning through lockdown
- To prevent the attainment gap becoming wider between disadvantaged pupils and their peers
- To raise the attainment of all pupils following school closures