School Leaders
Ickleford Primary School offers many opportunities for you to get involved in pupil leadership roles around the school. It is an opportunity for you to:
- develop your character such as resilience and confidence;
- live out your values such as generosity and patience;
- improve your team building skills such as learning to negotiate and collaborate;
- evolve a sense of citizenship which is when you work together with others to make a positive difference; along with
- sharing your skills and talents to help others.
School Council
Every new academic year, each class in Year 2 to Year 6 vote for two school council representatives from their class, who form part of a school council. Extra school councillors are selected by staff to represent Year 1 and Reception.
The elected school council meet regularly, with Mr Horgan and Mrs Parmar, to discuss ideas on how to make our school an even better place and to organise fundraising activities. School councillors also perform important duties such as meeting our governors and representing the pupil voice when visitors come to our school.
In the past, as a thank you and well done, Mr Horgan has organised trips to the Houses of Parliament to show the school councillors democracy in action!
Find out how you can become a school councillor by looking at Mr Horgan's powerpoint.
Mr Horgan's Collective Worship - School Council Information
Music Leaders
We would like to tell you all about being a music leader at Ickleford Primary School. There are five of us who help Mrs Wright with infant and junior choir, every Wednesday and Friday, along with carry out other musical jobs around school.
At infant choir, we help teach KS1 and Reception children fun and enjoyable songs which we sing and dance along to. It is a pleasure to teach the young members of our school the Ickleford School classic songs that we also enjoyed singing along to when we were little. Some of our favourite songs to dance and sing to are ‘Dr.Nickerbocker’ and the ‘Penguin Song’. At the moment, KS1 are always requesting ‘The Princess and the Galant Prince’ because they get to act out the parts and dance in pairs.
In junior choir, we sing more advanced songs with trickier melodies and sometimes we sing in two or three parts. We have a list of warm up songs that the music leaders lead, such as ‘repeat after me songs’, or songs we sing together with actions. Currently, we are learning the song ‘A River’s Tale’ which is so fun to learn.
It’s a great pleasure to be a music leader and to get the chance to experience singing with other people. We find it very exciting being a music leader because there are a lot of jobs to complete. We also have the responsibility of taking care of all the percussion instruments in school and making sure they are ready for class music lessons.
We hope that you might want to be a music leader in the future.
Written by the music leaders.
Sports Captains
At Ickleford Primary school, we have four sport houses: Fire (red), Earth (green), Water (blue), and Air (yellow). Within these four houses, we have eight sports captains with a boy and girl representing each house.
We have many responsibilities being sports leaders. Firstly, we lead a lunchtime club every week for Year 3 and 4 children. We get to lead different sporting activities every week after coming together to plan and discuss the new activity we will deliver to the children. We get assisted by Mr Wylie in how to plan and deliver an age-appropriate activity, including what will make the lesson fun, engaging and help develop their skills. Leading a club gives us a sense of pride and enjoyment as we get to develop our coaching and leadership skills. We get ownership by setting up the lesson and having to pack it away. We really enjoy watching the children playing and having fun, whilst also developing their sport skills.
We also have many other responsibilities by being a sports leaders. We are trusted to set up PE lessons for other year groups and to also pack away equipment and have the responsibility of keeping the sports shed/cupboard tidy and organised.
One of the favourite responsibilities and privileges is on sports day, when we captain our houses. We help motivate and organise the children in our sports houses, are given the responsibility of being a judge on the finish line, and judge who comes first to fourth. It gives us a real sense of pride being able to captain our houses and be a part of the running and organisation of this traditional school event.
We also compete in inter-house competitions every half term, within our PE lessons. If your sports house wins the inter-house competition, you get to go up in collective worship and claim the trophy for your house.
Being a sports captain is amazing, with so many responsibilities and we could not recommend being a sports leader highly enough.
Collective Worship Team
Join our Collective Worship Team! Children from KS 2 are invited to join our School Collective Worship Team! Ask Mrs Wright for an application form, which includes a special prayer challenge. Selected children will then participate in the team that will meet in school time to plan and present one collective worship a month, starting from Dec 2023 running through the calendar year to Jan 2024. This is an exciting opportunity – don't miss out! The deadline for applications will be Friday 1st December.
Digital Leaders
Our Digital Leaders are a team of enthusiastic and skilled KS2 pupils who have a passion for computing and technology. They support their classmates during computing lessons, helping to troubleshoot issues and enhance learning. They also assist Mrs Giggle in our extra-curricular Coding Club, where they help younger pupils develop their programming skills.
Beyond the classroom, our Digital Leaders play a vital role in supporting teachers with technology as part of our computing curriculum. Recently, they took the lead in Safer Internet Week, delivering a whole-school presentation on the theme "Too Good to Be True". Their talk helped pupils understand the dangers of online scams and what to do if they have concerns: share with a trusted adult, report the issue to the website, and block any unwanted users.
We are incredibly proud of our Digital Leaders for their commitment to keeping our school safe, informed, and excited about the digital world!