Every child has the right to feel safe and happy wherever they are. Bullying in any form, by anyone, is wrong. At Ickleford Primary School, we do not tolerate any kind of bullying or anti-social behaviour.
Celebrating Kindness and Friendship during Anti-Bullying Week - November 2023 at Ickleford Primary School!
We all kicked off Anti-Bullying Week with a burst of colour and positivity on Odd Sock Day! We wore our wackiest sock combinations to show that being different is not just ok but absolutely brilliant!
Each class then took part in special activities tailored just for your class, helping you understand the importance of kindness, respect, and standing up against bullying. Our Year 3 superstars even dropped a beat with their very own anti-bullying rap:
Speak out, be loud,
Stand up for yourself, be proud!
If you see something wrong,
Go help out and be strong!
Being kind is super cool,
You'll always find that at Ickleford School!
And guess what? The excitement didn't stop there! We wrapped up the week by unveiling our brand new, super-duper, Ickleford Primary School Anti-Bullying Leaflet!
IPS Child-Friendly Anti-Bullying Leaflet 2023
Our fantastic school councillors teamed up to assist in creating a child-friendly guide that explains what bullying is, the different forms it can take, and most importantly, what we can all do about it.
Inside, you'll find top tips on how to be a superhero friend, what to do if you're feeling a little worried, and a promise from all the grown-ups at school that they are here to listen, support you and help make things better. Because at Ickleford, we believe in a school where everyone feels safe, happy, and free to be themselves.
Let's keep spreading kindness like confetti and make every week Anti-Bullying Week!
Here are some good websites that can give you even more information: