School Meals
School Lunches
At Ickleford Primary School, seasonal school lunches are freshly prepared on site every day, in house, and provide the children with tasty, filling and nutritious food that keeps them alert and ready to learn.
School dinners are great value at £3.30 a day for a main meal and a pudding. Reception and KS1 children receive free meals under Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM).
Meal selection and payment is easy via our online School Grid app system where you can order and pay for meals daily, weekly or half-termly in advance. On request, meals can be prepared for children with special dietary requirements. The School Grid system allows children the flexibility to opt between school lunches and home packed lunches within the school week.
If your financial circumstances change or you fit the following criteria, you may be entitled to free school meals:
Income Support Income Based
Job seekers Allowance
Income Related Employment Support Allowance
Child Tax Credit, provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and don’t get more than £16,190 a year.
The guaranteed element of state pension credit
Support under part VI of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Working Tax Credit run-on – paid 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
Universal Credit (with annual earned income of no more than £7,400 after tax and not including any benefits you get.
If you are in receipt of any of these benefits, PLEASE APPLY at: Free School Meal Application
Please contact the school office for more information, even if your child is still entitled to UIFSM, as school may also be able to receive extra money in the form of Pupil Premium.
No child will go without a meal if parents have forgotten to order or if packed lunches are left at home. The school cook will provide an alternative, which will then need to be paid for as soon as possible.
Home-Packed Lunches
If you prefer your child to have a packed lunch, please pack a healthy selection of items that will give your child nourishment and energy. Please only include packets that your child can open independently.
Ickleford Primary School is a nut free site. We must ask that nuts of any kind are not sent into school in lunch boxes or as a snack – this includes peanut butter/Nutella sandwiches and Nutella snacks, as even these are enough to trigger a serious reaction in some children who suffer from nut allergies.
Useful websites for healthy Lunchbox ideas: