Ickleford Primary

Roles, Responsibilities and Minutes

Our Governing Board tends to meet twice a term. A typical Ickleford Governing Board meeting will involve us discussing all key areas relating to the strategic life of the school.

You will find the Governing Board minutes for the last 3 academic years below; earlier minutes are archived. 

 Governing Board Minutes

 Minutes 10th July 2024IPS Restructure Presentation to Parents September 2024Minutes 20th May 2024Minutes 4th March 2024Minutes 4th December 2023Minutes 2nd October 2023Minutes 12th July 2023

Minutes 22nd May 2023

Minutes 27th February 2023

Minutes 5th December 2022

Minutes 3rd October 2022

Minutes 6th July 2022

Minutes 23rd May 2022

Minutes 7th March 2022Minutes 24th January 2022Minutes 6th December 2021Minutes 20th September 2021


In addition, we have four committees that report into the full Governing Board. The committees examine their areas in detail at meetings that are generally held once or twice each term.

Our Four Committee Areas:

  • Environment, Safety & Buildings- this committee focuses on minimising the environmental impact of the school, and encouraging 'green' initiatives. Its remit also covers the fabric of the school and its surroundings, considers what new infrastructure might be of most benefit to the children, and carefully monitors the whole school environment to minimise physical risks to all users of the school.
  • Finance – as its name suggests, this committee is responsible for setting the school budget, monitoring income and expenditure, and ensuring we get good value for money.
  • Performance & Development – the aim of this committee is to have oversight of the educational attainment and progress of the children. There is an emphasis on reviewing data and on anonymised case studies, as well as checking effectiveness of various interventions in raising standards. Pupil wellbeing is discussed at every meeting.
  • Personnel– is responsible for staffing matters, including recruitment and retention, pay (in consultation with Finance) and school policies relating to people. Staff wellbeing is discussed at every meeting.

At every full Governing Board meeting, the Chair of each committee answers any questions that other governors might have arising from committee meetings. The main points of these discussions are included in the minutes of the full Governing Board.


Membership of Committees

Committee membership


Environment, Safety & Buildings

Jessica Beesen-Smith, Liz Bundy (Clerk), Kirsty Gibson (Chair), Gill Lawton, Richard Murrell, Sarah Wright. (The Site Manager, Joseph Dickens, attends in an advisory capacity).


Jessica Beesen-Smith , Liz Bundy (Chair), David Bunker (Clerk), Nick Dawson, Katie Farrell, Miles Maxwell, Neil Osmond, Sarah Wright.

Performance & Development

Ulrike Banbury, Chris Barker, Jessica Beesen-Smith, Mary Fane de Salis, Miles Maxwell (Chair), Tobi Olujinmi, Shirley Williams, Sarah Wright. (Liz Bundy attends as an observer, and is the Clerk)


Chris Barker (Clerk), Jessica Beesen-Smith, Margaret Holford (Chair), Shirley Williams, Sarah Wright.


(September 2024)


Governor Responsibilities

In addition to membership of at least one committee, all governors have responsibility for a curriculum area or other aspect of school life.

Governor Curriculum Area Responsibilities (February 2024)




Art & Design

David Bunker

Collective worship

Liz Bundy

Computing (including Online Safety)

Gill Lawton

Design Technology

David Bunker


Liz Bundy

Early Years Foundation Stage

Miles Maxwell


Kirsty Gibson


Liz Bundy


Neil Osmond

Modern Foreign Languages

Chris Barker


Gill Lawton


Richard Murrell

Personal, Social, Health & Economic


Shirley Williams


Rev. Mary Fane de Salis


Nick Dawson

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Chris Barker




Miles Maxwell


Tobi Olujinmi

Child Protection and Safeguarding

Miles Maxwell

Filtering and Monitoring

Gill Lawton

Governor Development

Miles Maxwell

Mental Health & Wellbeing

Shirley Williams

Parent Communication

Neil Osmond

Pastoral Care

Rev. Margaret Holford



Other Information

Schools' Financial Benchmarking ServiceThe National Governance Association

Governors’ Code of Conduct