Admissions Arrangements
Visits for Prospective Reception Parents for Children Starting September 2025
Open Days
In advance of making applications, Ickleford Primary School will host sessions for prospective parents to view the school in operation to help your decision making process.
Open Days will be:
Wednesday 13th November 2024, starting at 1:30 - 3.00 pm
Wednesday 4th December 2024, starting at 10.00 - 11:30 am
Wednesday 8th January 2025, starting at 1:30 - 3 pm
These sessions will include:
- A talk by the Headteacher
- A tour of the school in operation
- A chat with school ambassadors
Sadly, we do not allow any children (including babies in pushchairs etc.) to attend these sessions as we find this can be distracting for all parents looking around our school and for our pupils who are working in their classrooms.
If you wish to attend one of these sessions, please register in advance with our office administrator on 01462 459150, as we limit numbers attending.
Reception Admissions Sept 2025
Our Published Admissions Number (PAN) means there are 30 places available each year in our Reception class and Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) controls our admission arrangements. HCC sends out information in the academic year before a child is eligible for primary education (i.e. when the child is 3 or 4 years old). Parents give their four preferences for their primary school choices and apply online.
Prospective parents are welcome to visit the school during one of our advertised open days, in the autumn term to help them select their preferences. Applications can only be made via the HCC online portal.
The deadline for applications is Wednesday 15th January. Places are allocated around 19th April each year. If Ickleford Primary School has more applications than there are places available, HCC allocates places according to its published criteria.
Parents who have not been allocated a place for their child have a right of appeal to an independent panel. This is organised by the Clerk of Appeals, County Hall, Hertford SG13 8DF.
Induction sessions for new Reception children 2025
New Reception children, whose parents and carers have officially accepted a place at our school, will be invited to come into school together, towards the end of the summer term before they are due to start with us. This will give the children a chance to meet the other children in the class, meet their class teachers and experience class routine, whilst parents can meet each other, gain vital information about school routines and expectations, look at school uniform sizing and ask vital questions. It is advisable not to book a family summer holiday in early/mid July, as alternative induction sessions may not be possible at the end of a busy term. One of our Reception class teachers also completes a nursery/preschool visit, which enables them to get to know your child’s needs in advance.
If your child has additional needs please do not hesitate to contact us as quickly as possible after officially accepting your child’s place. The earlier we can discuss arrangements for your child, the better provision we can begin to make for their start in September.
Reception Transition Sessions: Please avoid booking holidays during these sessions they are vitally important that your child attends.
Wednesday 18th June 2025, 9:30 - 11:30am children and parents with a transition meeting in the school hall, for parents, led by the headteacher , Mrs Sarah Wright, at 10:30 am.
Reception (Sept 2024) Transition Meeting Presentation
Thursday 10th July 2025, 9:30 - 11:30am children only 'stay and play'.
In Year Admissions
If a child is already in primary aged education, parents may apply if they want their child to go to a different school. If families have moved house, they can also apply to change school during the school year. We call this an in year admission.
Parents can make an in year application with HCC for Ickleford Primary School, along with most other schools in Hertfordshire. N.B. Please do not contact school directly as we will only refer you back to HCC admissions. Parents can list up to four school preferences. If places are available, HCC will offer families their highest preference possible. Again, this type of application can only be done online. For information on this process click on the link below.
If you are told a place is not available at our school, you may wish to add yourself onto the continuing interest list held by HCC. You will be contacted by HCC if a place becomes available for you. Continuing interest lists for all schools close at the end of each academic year. You must submit a new application for the approaching academic year and children will not be considered for any places until the new application is received.
Once you have been offered a place with us, we will make special arrangements for the family to come and look around the school and for your child to experience an induction session in their new class before officially starting.
Secondary School Admissions in Hertfordshire 2025
Secondary School Admissions in Hertfordshire
For detailed information regarding secondary school admissions in Hertfordshire, please refer to the following resources:
Hertfordshire County Council Admissions Webpages
All information about applying for secondary school places is available on the Hertfordshire County Council website: -
Online Schools Directory
To find specific details about individual secondary schools, including their admissions criteria and contact information, please visit the online schools directory: