Ickleford Primary

Our Staff 

Staff List 2024 - 2025

The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Governing Body value the quality and expertise that all our staff bring to their roles.  They are our children's best resource.  Each Reception and KS1 class is supported by a full time teaching assistant (TA) or higher level teaching assistant (HLTA). In KS2, Years 5 and 6, and Years 3 and 4 each share a HLTA who also covers classes at short notice.  PPA (planning, preparation and assessment time given to teachers to complete duties away from the children in their care) is covered by qualified teachers who have supported our school for many years and know our ethos and children well.

Senior Leadership Team

Staff Member Role
Mrs Sarah Wright


Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Jessica Beesen-Smith

Deputy Headteacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding lead

Designated Teacher for Virtual Schools

Mrs Ulrike Banbury

Key Stage 1 Lead

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Katie Farrell School Business Manager

Reception Team

Staff Member Role
Mrs Rebecca Seddon  Reception Teacher EYFS Lead (Mon-Weds)
Mrs Sarah Orton Reception Teacher (Weds am - Fri)
Mrs Belinda Brett Reception TA and Lunchtime Supervisor


Key Stage 1 Team

Staff Member Role
Mr Bradley Horgan Year 1 Teacher
Mr Callum McKechnie Year 1 TA and Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Ulrike Banbury KS1 Lead and Year 2 Teacher
Mrs Kamaljit Parmar Year 2 HLTA and Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Lucy Giggle KS1 PPA Cover Teacher

Key Stage 2 Team

Staff Member Role
Mrs Jessica Beesen-Smith Year 3 Teacher
Mrs Lucy Giggle Year 3 Teacher
Mr Gareth Martin Year 4 Teacher
Mrs Tessia Ivory-Webb Lower KS2 HLTA and Lunchtime Supervisor
Mr Bailey Rose Year 5 Teacher
Mrs Kim King Year 6 Teacher
Mrs Rachel Hayzen Upper KS2 HLTA and Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Laura Downie KS2 PPA Teacher

 SEND Team

Staff Member Role
Miss Claire Castle

SEND Co/Pupil Mental Health and

Wellbeing Lead

Mrs Gloria Gonsalves 1:1 Learning Support Assistant

 Peripatetic Music Teachers

Staff Member Role
Mr Oliver Barton Guitar
Mrs Christine Walker Piano and Keyboard
Ms Hillary Ingram Voice
Mrs Lesley Pearce Violin
Mr Alan Robinson Brass

 Support Staff

Staff Member Role
Mrs Katie Farrell School Business Manager
Mrs Jade Maurello Office Administrator
Mr Joe Dickens Site Manager
Mr Joseph Dickens Snr Site Cleaner
Mrs Wendy Dimmock HCL Kitchen Manager
Miss Sharon Burton HCL Assistant Cook
 tbc HCL General Kitchen Assistant
Mrs Zoe Lawrence Senior Midday Supervisor
Mrs Heather Collins Lunchtime Supervisor
Miss Melanie Bartlett Lunchtime Supervisor
Mr Billy Porter Lunchtime Supervisor
Ms Jackie Livesey School Crossing Patrol

 Subject Leads

Role Staff Member
Art Mr Bradley Horgan
Collective Worship Mrs Sarah Wright
Computing Mrs Lucy Giggle
Design Technology Mr Bradley Horgan
Eco Council Mrs Katie Farrell and Mrs Laura Downie
English (inc Phonics and Early Reading) Mrs Ulrike Banbury

Mrs Rebecca Seddon 

Geography Mr Gareth Martin
History Mrs Jessica Beesen-Smith
Modern Foreign Languages (French) Mrs Ulrike Banbury
Maths Mr Bailey Rose
Music Mrs Sarah Wright
PE Mr Bailey Rose
PSHE and RSE Mrs Jessica Beesen-Smith
School Council Mr Bradley Horgan and Mrs Kamaljit Parmar
Science Mrs Kim King
Values Education

Mrs Rebecca Seddon